Kehlani's NICU Progress - Week 2

6-22-20 – Day 8: Kehlani got her IV OUT of her head today! Mommy also brought a new blanket to try out. Kai got to go to one of her best friend, August’s house to spend the day while Nana Donna and Nana JeaJea were in Lincoln. She has so much fun there and we are so thankful for Britney and Steven for helping out during this tough time. Back at the hospital, Kehlani is still eating on her own!
Kehlani weighed in at 4lbs  – 3.8 oz today! That’s a 2-ounce gain!

6-23-20 – Day 9: Kehlani was given a feeding tube through her nose today since she couldn’t stay awake through the 8:00am feeding. Read more about the feeding tube on this post. But on a lighter note, she looks adorable in Kai’s old baby clothes and even had a blowout so her plumbing is working quite well! Tonight, Kehlani also got her first bath! You can read Marcus’ perspective on the bath and how he spent his time with her on this post.
Kehlani weighed 4 lbs – 5.5 oz tonight!

6-24-20 – Day 10: Since Daddy stayed the night with Kehlani to give mom a break, Kai got to spend some quality time with mom on the farm. Kehlani has been doing every other feeding by tube, and the others by bottle. I am immensely grateful and thankful that my milk has been doing great. That was a very large concern and big stressor of mine in the first couple days of her life since this is so foreign to me – not being able to nurse my baby from the moment of birth. Now, I’ve been producing so much, they asked me to take the bulk of it home to our freezer so they have room for more while we are here πŸ™‚ I’m not upset about that!
Kai has been struggling the most lately since we have been alternating who is with her and who is with Kehlani. Read more about Kai on this post. Marcus got to play volleyball tonight while Mommy and Kai played in the sand and watched. It brought back memories of last summer, before the virus took over our lives. Good times.
Kehlani weighed 4 lbs – 6.2 oz tonight!

6-25-20 – Day 11: Kehlani ate most of her feedings via bottle today and she gained another ounce! Kai went to our friends’ house and she had a BLAST! Mommy was cleared by her doctor to start exercising again so she started jogging yesterday, and again today. Read more about her battle between the mental health vs. physical health on this post. Daddy has been a trooper being Mr. Mom at home for Kai.
Kehlani weighed 4 lbs – 7.6 oz tonight!

6-26-20 – Day 12: Kehlani had her first 3-hour stint outside of the Isolette! They have begun weaning her and her temp was 98.8 after being outside of it for 3 hours! We are so excited to have this hurdle [almost] cleared! Read more about weaning from the Isolette in this post.
Kai got to spend the day with my friend Sara and her 5 children today. She played in their tree fort and even got to hold her 5-month baby and practice being a big sister. Mommy went jogging again today and is feeling excellent being able to exercise again!
Kehlani weighed in at 4 lbs – 8 oz tonight.

6-27-20 – Day 13: Kehlani still has a feeding tube but she downed her 5am feeding in 5 minutes! Then next feedings in 10-15 minutes. She’s a rockstar! Abbie is her nurse today πŸ™‚  Marcus brought Kai to Hastings so we could go bowling as a family for Kai’s first bowling experience. I had a hard time leaving because Kehlani decided to be more alert than ever before. On a lighter note, I bowled a 154 so I’m not upset about that! We went to Special Scoops Ice Cream Parlor after bowling and then at 6:30, Marcus got to Kehlani’s room and I took Kai home for the rest of the weekend. Nurse Colleen was our night nurse tonight. πŸ™‚
Kehlani weighed in at 4 lbs – 10 oz! – She’s back to birth weight!

6-28-20 – Day 14: Kehlani and Dad spent the whole day together while Mom and Kai were at the farm. Dr. Leonard checked Kehlani’s heart and told Daddy that if she continues this great progress, we could have her home before the end of next week! That was GREAT news! Nurse Colleen was the night nurse again and she weighed Kehlani, she got a bath and a new outfit.
Kehlani weighed in at 4 lbs – 10.6 oz!

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